Keogh KA, Dolin P, Kielar D, Shavit A, Rowell J, Edmonds C, Meyers J, Esterberg E, Nham T, Chen SY. Pulmonary and cardiovascular involvement and persistent damage in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis: a retrospective analysis of US health insurance claims data. Poster presented at the CHEST 2024; October 9, 2024. Boston, MA. [abstract] Chest. 2024 Oct; 166(4, Suppl):A5373-A57.

PURPOSE: To investigate the degree of pulmonary and cardiovascular involvement and damage in patients with newly diagnosed eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), using a retrospective analysis of US administrative health insurance claims data (Merative™ MarketScan® databases).

METHODS: The inclusion criteria included patients with newly diagnosed EGPA (2017–2021) who had ≥12 months of continuous pre-diagnosis health plan enrolment, and ≥1 inpatient or ≥2 outpatient EGPA-related diagnoses (≥90 days apart, ICD-10-CM code M30.1). Follow-up was from first observed EGPA diagnosis (index date; ID) until health plan disenrollment or database end. The prevalence of pulmonary or cardiovascular involvement at any time on or before ID; the number of patients with ≥1 pulmonary or cardiovascular-related EGPA symptom ≤6 months before ID (‘existing symptoms’) and at any time after ID (‘new symptoms’), and the number of patients with persistent pulmonary and cardiovascular damage (caused by EGPA or another cause; assessed using components of the vasculitic damage index) at ID and 1 year after ID were assessed.

RESULTS: 236 patients with EGPA were identified (136 [57.6%] women; mean [SD] age, 50.4 [14.5] years; mean [SD] follow-up from index date [ID], 21.7 [14.6] months). Many patients had pulmonary manifestations or comorbidities including asthma (73.7%), throat or chest pain (46.2%), COPD (19.9%), obstructive sleep apnea (19.5%), and interstitial pulmonary disease (14.0%). Many patients had cardiovascular manifestations or comorbidities including arrhythmia (19.5%), ischemic heart disease (19.1%), deep vein thromboembolism (4.7%), and arterial thrombosis (1.3%). Most pulmonary-related symptoms occurred more often ≤6 months before ID than after ID, particularly respiratory failure (17.4% vs. 3.8%), lung nodules or cavities (32.6% vs. 13.1%), wheeze (8.5% vs. 7.6%) and pleural effusion or pleurisy/pleuritis (14.4% vs. 3.0%), hemoptysis or alveolar hemorrhage (5.9% vs 1.3%), but new events continued to occur after ID. Rates of endobronchial involvement did not change (1.7% before and after). Similarly, cardiovascular-related symptoms tended to occur more often before than after ID, particularly hypertension (33.9% vs. 15.7%) cardiomyopathy (6.4% vs. 3.4%), valvular heart disease (10.6% vs 9.3%), pericarditis (3.4% vs. 0.8%), and cerebrovascular accident (4.7% vs. 2.1%). However, new cardiovascular events continued to occur after ID, for example, rates of congestive heart failure rose from 5.9% to 7.2% and ischemic cardiovascular pain from 0.8% to 1.3%. Persistent pulmonary, cardiovascular, and peripheral vascular disease damage was reported across 82.2%, 42.8% and 5.5% of patients. Hypertension requiring anti-hypertensive therapy was the most reported cardiovascular damage at 33.5%. In the year before and after ID, 33.2% and 36.8% of patients identified, respectively, had ≥1 outpatient or office visit with a pulmonologist and 20.3% and 25.8% with a cardiologist; among these, the mean (SD) number of claims for pulmonologist and cardiologist visits were 3.4 (3.4) and 2.9 (3.3) in the year after ID, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: Patients with EGPA had substantial pulmonary and cardiovascular involvement, recent and continuing pulmonary- and cardiovascular-related symptoms, and persistent pulmonary and cardiovascular damage.

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