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Casulo C, Byrtek M, Dawson KL, Zhou X , Farber CM, Flowers CR, Hainsworth JD, Maurer MJ, Cerhan JR, Link BK, Zelenetz AD, Friedberg JW. Early relapse of follicular lymphoma after rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone defines patients at high risk for death: an analysis from the National Lymphocare Study . J Clin Oncol. 2015 Aug 10;33(23):2516-22.
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Adam M, Schikowski T, Carsin AE , Cai Y, Jacquemin B, Sanchez M, Vierkotter A, Marcon A, Keidel D, Sugiri D, Kanani ZA, Nadif R, Siroux V, Hardy R, Kuh D, Rochat T, Bridevaux PO, Eeftens M, Tsai MY, Villani S, Phuleria HC, Birk M, Cyrys J, Cirach M, de Nazelle A, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Forsberg B, de Hoogh K, Declerq C, Bono R, Piccioni P, Quass U, Heinrich J, Jarvis D, Pin I, Beelen R, Hoek G, Brunekreef B, Schindler C, Sunyer J, Kramer U, Kauffmann F, Hansell AL, Kunzli N, Probst-Hensch N. Adult lung function and long-term air pollution exposure. ESCAPE: a multicentre cohort study and meta-analysis . Eur Respir J. 2015 Jan;45(1):38-50. doi: 10.1183/09031936.00130014
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Casulo C, Byrtek M, Dawson K, Zhou X , Flowers C, Farber C, Hainsworth J, Cerhan J, Link B, Friedberg J. Disease characteristics, treatment patterns, and outcomes of follicular lymphoma in patients 40 years of age and younger: an analysis from the National LymphoCare Study . Poster presented at the 56th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition; December 7, 2014. San Francisco, CA. [abstract] Blood. 2014 Dec 6; 124(21):3044. doi: 10.1182/blood.V124.21.3044.3044
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Cai Y, Schikowski T, Adam M, Buschka A, Carsin AE , Jacquemin B, Marcon A, Sanchez M, Vierkotter A, Al-Kanaani Z, Beelen R, Birk M, Brunekreef B, Cirach M, Clavel-Chapelon F, Declercq C, de Hoogh K, de Nazelle A, Ducret-Stich RE, Valeria Ferretti V, Forsberg B, Gerbase MW, Hardy R, Heinrich J, Hoek G, Jarvis D, Keidel D, Kuh D, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Ragettli MS, Ranzi A, Rochat T, Schindler C, Sugiri D, Temam S, Tsai MY, Varraso R, Kauffmann F, Kramer U, Sunyer J, Kunzli N, Probst-Hensch N, Hansell AL. Cross-sectional associations between air pollution and chronic bronchitis: an ESCAPE meta-analysis across five cohorts . Thorax. 2014 Nov;69(11):1005-14. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-204352