Amy Ladner, MPH

Director, Epidemiology

Office Location
Telecommuter - USA

MPH, Epidemiology
Emory University, Atlanta, GA

BS, Mathematics
Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC

Amy Ladner, MPH, is a Director of Epidemiology at RTI-HS. Ms. Ladner has more than 20 years of project and portfolio management experience . Since joining RTI-HS in 2007, she has focused on large primary and secondary data-collection studies, including multidatabase studies , patient registries and site-based studies in the United States and Europe. Ms. Ladner has led and conducted systematic reviews of literature; developed study protocols, questionnaires, and reports; recruited investigators and sites for primary data collection; conducted investigator and interviewer training; planned biospecimen collection; and performed data management activities. She has worked within a wide-range of therapeutic areas including oncology, gastrointestinal disease, depression and cardiovascular and respiratory health.

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