Hannah Hancock, MSc

Senior Research Health Economist

Practice Area
Office Location
Manchester, United Kingdom

MSc, Health Economics and Econometrics
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

BSc, Economics
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Hannah Hancock, MSc, is a Senior Research Health Economist in the Health Economics Modelling team in Manchester, UK, with RTI-HS.

Before joining RTI-HS, she received a scholarship from the National Institute for Health and Care Research to complete a postgraduate degree in health economics and econometrics. Ms. Hancock’s dissertation was undertaken in conjunction with the NHS Strategy Unit and included creating longitudinal regression models to analyse how the decline in NHS Stop Smoking Services affected hospital admission rates for stroke and acute myocardial. She also has experience using statistical software, including STATA.

She has been working for RTI-HS for over 4 years. During her time at RTI-HS, she has undertaken projects focusing on health economics modelling (cost-effectiveness and budget-impact modelling), HTA submissions, and targeted literature reviews in multiple disease areas including oncology, dermatology, and heart disease.

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