Isobel Pearson, DPhil

Senior Director, Evidence Synthesis and Statistics

Practice Area
Office Location
Manchester, United Kingdom

DPhil, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

BSc, Biochemistry with Intercalated Year
University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

Isobel Pearson, DPhil, is a Senior Director at RTI-HS. After gaining a DPhil at the University of Oxford, Dr. Pearson worked at Complete Market Access (formerly the Evidence Research Unit), a division of the Complete Medical Group. Dr. Pearson focused on projects where she was able to develop a detailed and in-depth understanding of the technology in question and its place in therapy.

Dr. Pearson's experience both as Technical Lead and Senior Director of Health Economics includes the development of clinical and economic systematic literature reviews, targeted literature reviews, health technology assessment submissions, cost-effectiveness and budget-impact analyses, model adaptations, core value dossiers, objection handling materials, key opinion leader interviews, and publications. Dr. Pearson’s therapy area experience includes rare diseases; psoriasis; endocrinology; rheumatoid arthritis; hepatic, hematologic, diabetic, and endocrine diseases; ulcerative colitis; Crohn's disease; oncology; and cardiovascular disease.

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