Louise Hartley, PhD

Senior Director, Evidence Synthesis and Statistics

Practice Area
Office Location
Manchester, United Kingdom

PhD, Health and Population Sciences
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

MSc, Health Psychology
BSc, Psychology and Sociology
Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom

Louise Hartley, PhD, is a Senior Director at RTI-HS in the Manchester, UK, office. Dr. Hartley has over 10 years of experience conducting systematic reviews in a range of therapeutic areas and also has experience in meta-analytic techniques. Prior to working at RTI-HS, Dr. Hartley worked at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence as part of the surveillance team that assessed the need to update guidance. Dr. Hartley also worked at the University of Warwick, where she was the lead author on a number of Cochrane reviews looking at interventions for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Hartley has a PhD in Public Health and Epidemiology. In her PhD, Dr. Hartley used meta-analytic techniques to investigate the existence of intercontinental differences in the clinical effectiveness of medical interventions, in particular, interventions used for the treatment of patients with high risk of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Hartley has extensive experience in information and library services. Specifically, she is an expert in developing search strategies for literature reviews, conducting searches in relevant medical databases, recognizing the differences/similarities of these databases, and accessing articles. She has worked with Cochrane Information Services Specialists in the Cochrane Heart Group and has a certificate in Advanced Search Techniques for Systematic Reviews, HTA, and Guidelines from the York Health Economic Consortium.

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